"If you really want to know what's happening in Canadian politics you have to read this book, but you can't borrow mine. I'm not letting it out of my sight!" These were the words of Joleen Chouinard to a friend regarding the third edition of FIX CANADA. Now in its 21st edition, why haven't you heard of it? Because it was banned by Chapters a long time ago, but I'm getting a little ahead of myself.
Below you will find four books I have authored. The first, The Erica Burton Story (2020), is short and sweet like its Holocaust surviving subject. It’s a real page turner (all 10 of them) and you can download it for free, so just click/tap and enjoy. It's included first because of its brevity and because I don’t want you to overlook it.
The second is my updated 30 page autobiography, From the Poorhouse to the Penthouse, originally published in 2008. One woman says it's the funniest book she's ever read, and though I’ve lost a lot of sleep waiting for a call from the Pulitzer committee on this one, it too is on the house.
The third, From the Big Bang to Obama and other Things I Don’t Believe In (2011), is equally succinct. It’s the same price as the first two, and be you American, Canadian or Nepalese, you don’t want to miss this.
The fourth is the aforementioned FIX CANADA (2000-2024), the book that started it all. Now in its 21st edition, this a collection of columns I first penned for three small north-central Alberta weekly newspapers back in the late '90s when freedom of speech was still a thing in this country. These are followed by updates on the issues contained therein, and there’s enough history in the mix to make things make sense.
People have read early editions five, six, seven times. My record holder claims to have read the 16th edition between ten and fifteen times. Another reader described the 17th as the best twenty bucks he’d ever spent, the message in the 18th "should be shouted from the rooftops," and the expanded COVID-19th edition was the atomic bomb compared to the series of conventional weapons that preceded it. The 21st edition is not only the latest and greatest, it's in a class by itself.
So I encourage you to click on the fourth book above and read the excerpt. If you like it, the book can be yours for $24.95 (includes shipping and handling and all taxes). Please have your Visa or MasterCard ready when you call the number below. And while awaiting delivery, feel free to read the first three books above. As I said before, they’re on the house... so bon appetite!